Monday, March 29, 2010

Hi, my name is Tami and I'm a recovering catholic

The Easter season always make me think about the Catholic Church. Now, while I do not begrudge anyone their religious beliefs or practices, I realized that I didn't agree with a lot of things the catholic church taught. I didn't want to put 100% belief in a man just because he's the pope. I didn't want to do everything the church said. I didn't agree with the fact that they teach only abstinence sex education. Sometimes I feel like being a Catholic made me crazy; like they somehow put a chip in my brain telling me what I'm supposed to think and I can't quite get rid of it. The effects of being a die-hard Catholic are still plaguing me - even though I quit going to church 20 yrs. ago. My big issues that still haunt me are: feeling guilty for silly reasons, a neurotic desire to help the needy, a dislike of conflict and expressing anger, and being nice to people while inside being highly judgmental of them.
It's that time of year - Lent. Lent is a season of soul-searching and repentance. It is a season for reflection and taking stock; it is a period of 40 days of repentance, with prayer, fasting and abstinence, and confession. Many catholics choose to give up a single indulgence (like chocolate, french fries or cola) for the 40-day period as a sign of repentance and an exercise in self-control. I was a "good" Catholic; I attended mass every week, went to confession and deprived myself during the lenten season, proving my worthiness. I was well on my way to heaven! I once gave up candy for Lent, which was a living hell. Anyone who knows me well, knows how much candy means to me. That same year, my (then) husband, gave up sex. Well, just sex with me, not everyone else. That's why soon after he became my ex-husband! If he was really repentant, he would've given up sex with everyone! LOL!
Apparently, abstaining from Facebook for the 40 days of Lent was the rage among college students last year. College students who have abstained from Facebook for Lent in recent years say it was brutal, but valuable. This Lenten season the cause has been taken up by a surprising number of adults. The digital sacrifice won't be easy, they say, but it may help them reclaim their analog lives. There is even an online quitting-Facebook-for-Lent support group. (Since the group is hosted on Facebook, none of the members -- in theory, at least -- will be logging on to comfort one another during their days of trial.) I wonder if I could give up my Blackberry?

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