Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hot Tamale and the Case of the Missing Boob

I always say I worry about calling in late to work because I can't find my prosthetic boob. Today, it became a reality! I thought I was going to have call Nancy Drew to solve the mystery. When I was a girl, one of the things that made me happiest was collecting Nancy Drew mysteries. I saved my money to buy them and often asked for them for my birthday. I wanted to grow up and be a writer just like Carolyn Keene. Turns out that the books have been ghostwritten by a number of authors and are published under the collective pseudonym of Carolyn Keene. I also learned recently that the Nancy Drew books were extensively revised, beginning in 1959, largely to eliminate racist stereotypes. Many scholars agree that in the revision process, the heroine's original, outspoken character was toned down and made more docile, conventional, and demure. That's a shame! Why mess with a good thing? I kept my Nancy Drew mysteries for several years; remembering my collection still makes me smile.
But back to the missing boob. Now I really only need my boob when I roller derby or I'm off balance. Without it I'm liable to fall over on my opponents. Come to think of it that might just be a great strategy. LOL. Anyway, I had it on earlier today but took it off for a while because it tends to sweat worse than a "real" boob. So, I removed it but left it inside the bra because I knew I would be putting it back on later. I went to put it back on and it was "missing". I then remembered that Mike had been playing with it (must be a male thing). Only he couldn't remember where he put it! So, I asked myself, "Where would Nancy look?" First, I looked in the bedroom but didn't see it lying anywhere. Next, I checked the bathroom. Again, I didn't see it anywhere. Then I checked the computer room. Now why I checked the computer room is beyond me but it wasn't there either. So I went back to the bedroom and started looking in drawers. That's when I found it. When he tired of playing with it, Mike stuck it in the sock drawer! Now I can join the Nancy Drew Sleuths. Yes, it really does exist. Nancy Drew Sleuths is an organization of American and International fans and scholars, established on April 10, 2000 for the purpose of fostering the enduring legacy of Nancy Drew. You can find their website at

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