- My friend Karen, who, when I complained about all those people saying how brave I was, told me that you never know how strong you are until you have to be. I realized that what others viewed as bravery, I saw as necessity.
- My colleague, Mike, who said upon learning my diagnosis, "Cancer doesn't know who it's messing with". He made me smile at a time I wanted to cry.
- My friend, Steve, who was always willing to listen to my crazy ramblings and fears.
- My friend, Deb, who simply said, "I'm here for you". I never felt so loved.
- My sister-in-survivorship and leaguemate Coffey Break-Her, who immediately recognized me as a survivor and has been right there with me since day 1 in roller derby.
- My leaguemate, Ghirley Manson, who told me to "Put on your big girl panties and skate". It was the best piece of advice I have ever been given! [much love to Ghirley]
- Coach La, who always seemed to know when I needed those words of encouragement.
- The 'Paign and Coach RAH for always having my back. It's like having my own personal, cancer-fighting army. I love you all and could never have gotten through this without each and every one of you. Go 'Paign!
- My friend Mary Vita, who, when I had hardly any hair, said, "Let's go to lunch". She didn't care what others thought.
- My daughter, Hannah, by whom I set those milestones to meet: her high school graduation, her college graduation, her wedding, meeting my future grandchildren...She's always believed that I would survive this battle.
- My sister, Bert, who said, "Do what you have to do to get better; take all the time you need".
- My mother, who was always here with me through those trying chemo days.
- My co-workers at A Woman's Fund, who held down the fort when I couldn't.
- The most awesomest roller derby league, the Twin City Derby Girls. You never let me wallow in self-pity and certainly never treated me like a cancer patient. You all saved my life by letting me be a part of something so great!
As I started to think about all the wonderful people in my life, I realized that I do have a lot to be grateful for. And if I missed anyone, I apologize, I'm old and suffer from CRS {Can't Remember Shit}. Hugs and kisses to you all.
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